Loss and Transition

Loss is part of life. Something changes. Familiar ways disappear. What you knew and could count on is no longer there. You find yourself in an in-between place, one where you aren’t sure how to move forward or what is next. You are suspended between what was and what is.You feel stuck. Discombobulated. Conflicted. Scared. And dreadfully alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. I can offer the support that you are looking for.

The kinds of losses I can help you navigate

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Mother loss

If you have lost your mother, I am here for you. I have walked this long arc of grief, having lost my mother at the age of 9. As a member of the Motherless Daughters Global Community and a graduate of the Mother Loss: A Grief Training program, I have learned that understanding and working through the particular trajectory of mother loss is a tender, illuminating and ultimately liberating experience. I can support you, whether you lost your mother as a child, teen or adult, to better understand and work through the implications of your mother loss journey so that you can move forward with greater understanding and agency.

Work (or life path) loss or transition

If you are feeling lost after arriving in a new city without clear direction or support, are feeling trapped in a job that doesn’t fit, or are leaving a job or career, I am here to help you work through the transition so that you can find your way with greater clarity and confidence.

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Loss of faith

If you feel disconnected from your faith or spiritual tradition, or have never had a spiritual home, and are now seeking how to live into your “one wild and precious life” (thank you, Mary Oliver) with meaning and conviction, I can accompany you to explore and discover what is calling to you now, without dogma or indoctrination.


Want to know more?

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute call.