Working Together

I am a Loss and Transition Coach, a Wisdom Spiritual Director, a Soulful Companion.

I offer one-on-one and small group facilitated coaching conversations on Zoom.

I provide a safe, confidential and compassionate space where you will be accepted and welcomed for who you are, as you are.

Together, we’ll explore broader and different perspectives infused with self-compassion to identify what needs tending and healing. We’ll move at a depth and pace that feels safe and right, touching into your pain slowly and gently to begin to alleviate your suffering

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Healing can be unsettling at first. When things are awakened within us, we can sometimes feel worse before we feel better. I’m here to walk alongside you and to help you move through your healing so you can be with what is while working towards what could be.

In our work together, you will feel welcomed and held in presence and compassion. You will

● be invited to look at your loss and what it means for you

● explore the implications of the loss on your choices

● learn ways to meet and gently move through your emotional response

● gain clarity on what is needed for your healing and integration

● discover what your life is calling for now

● experience a grounding in your body, an opening in your heart and a resting of your mind

● walk forward with greater confidence and self-compassion


Want to know more?

Contact me for a complimentary 30 minute call.